Namasté /ˈnäməˌstā/ is a Hindi word meaning, “the Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you.” It is a South Asian greeting originating in India that is used for “hello” and “goodbye.” The greeting is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with the hands pressed together, palms touching, in front of the chest. This is a well-recognized symbolic gesture in which one hand represents the higher, spiritual nature while the other represents the worldly self. By combining the two, the person making the gesture is attempting to rise above their differences with others, and connect themselves to the person they bows to. The bow is symbolic of love and respect.
 This journal is meant to promote the study of human rights at the University of Connecticut and serve as a venue for recognizing and displaying the great academic achievements of undergraduate students of this field of study.
 Recognizing the work being done within the human rights community at the University of Connecticut will foster an environment that promotes mutual respect. More than that, it is hoped that this ideal will be embraced by the University community members and translated in various ways and works to the larger global community.


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